The Maltese, with their long, flowing white coats and charming personalities, are beloved companions. But maintaining their dazzling appearance requires dedication and proper care. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to keep your Maltese’s fur and skin healthy and radiant, while also highlighting the expert services offered by Groomit.

Brushing is Key:

• Frequency: Daily brushing is ideal for longer coats, while shorter styles might need it every 2-3 days.
• Technique: Start with a wide-tooth comb to detangle, followed by a slicker brush to smooth, and distribute oils. Be gentle and avoid pulling on mats.
• Products: Use high-quality brushes designed for fine fur. Groomit recommends specific brushes and combs to fit your Maltese’s coat length and texture.

Bath Time Essentials:

• Frequency: Overbathing can strip natural oils. Aim for every 3-4 weeks, or when visibly dirty our Silver Package has you covered.
• Shampoo: Opt-in for gentle, dog-specific formulas, ideally whitening shampoos to enhance their coat color. Groomit carries a selection of shampoos perfect for Maltese, catering to sensitive skin and specific needs.
• Conditioner: A lightweight conditioner keeps fur soft and manageable. Groomit can advise on the ideal conditioner for your Maltese’s individual coat.

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